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Logo Design

Client WORK

Top-shelf Design & Marketing

The project involves re-designing the logo and branding for State Senator Omar Aquino, aiming to visually represent his commitment to public service and advocacy. Drawing inspiration from his roots in the Northwest Side of Chicago and his dedication to marginalized communities, the new design will seek to enhance Aquino's connection with constituents while reinforcing his position as a trusted leader in advocating for positive policy change in Illinois.

Omar Aquino


The primary challenge in re-designing State Senator Omar Aquino's logo and branding is authentically reflecting his values while maintaining continuity with his existing logo. This redesign also aims to elevate his brand recognition and flexibility by creating a logo that can be easily adapted for various purposes, from small-scale paperwork to large advertisements. Finding the balance between honoring the essence of Aquino's identity and ensuring versatility across different mediums presents a significant creative and logistical challenge in this project.

Key results

The goal of the project for this logo and branding is to modernize and enhance his visual identity while reinforcing his dedication to public service, community engagement, and advocacy. By creating a logo that authentically represents Aquino's values and resonates with people, the aim is to increase brand recognition and establish a strong visual presence that effectively communicates his commitment to positive change in Illinois' 2nd District.


The solution for State Senator Omar Aquino's logo and branding involves using the letter "O" from his name as a recurring symbol throughout the brand, offering a cohesive and recognizable visual identity. Monochromatic blue colors are employed to convey trust and professionalism, while white serves as a pop of color for balance and sophistication. Additionally, the logo incorporates a depiction of the original senate house, positioned at the center of the "O," symbolizing Aquino's legislative role and commitment to governance. This design approach not only honors Aquino's background and mission but also provides a distinctive and memorable visual representation of his brand.



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